PARABEN, SILICONE, ALUMINIUM - Science check | Cosmetics Series pt. 1
Sources and references for the latest Youtube video about if you should really avoid all the “0%-ters” in cosmetics and how to science check your ingredients list.
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Bretagne, Alice, et al. "The mechanism of eccrine sweat pore plugging by aluminium salts using microfluidics combined with small angle X-ray scattering." Soft Matter 13, 2017, 3812-3821.
Chen, Xueqin, et al. "In vivo single human sweat gland activity monitoring using coherent anti‐Stokes Raman scattering and two‐photon excited autofluorescence microscopy." British Journal of Dermatology 174, 2016, 803-812.
Armstrong, Richard A. "Risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease." Folia Neuropathol 57, 2019, 87-105.
Mailab - Paraben, Silikon, Aluminium